On a dumb argument

Everyone has their opinions. And everyone has counterpoints to certain topics of discussion. That is of course a given. But here’s a hot tip: If you’re going to share those, first make sure they at least convey what you’re trying to say and don’t inadvertently make you look bad. I recently mentioned that my union…

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Three strikes against privatizing the LCBO

I’ve worked for the LCBO for just over two years. This upcoming strike deadline is the first I’ve ever looked at being personally involved in, as LCBO workers are automatically enrolled in their local chapter of OPSEU (Ontario Public Service Employees Union). And unfortunately, what I’ve found from this side of things is just more…

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What I read this month

Despite it being a pretty crazy busy month, I read more in June than I have for a while. Mind you, much of that was started and stopped. But in some cases I read well into the books before finally dropping them, so hey, that’s still reading.It’s not satisfying reading, but it’s still reading.Beggars can’t…

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Let people read during lulls on the job

I’ve been working two part-time jobs for the last couple of years, and both underscored something to me I hadn’t encountered much previously: Companies don’t like their staff to casually read when they’re on the clock. And I sincerely don’t understand why. I think… I think?… that it’s what’s believed to be the optics of…

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What I read this month

Being the early Doggo Times, even without a lot of work happening, I haven’t had a lot of time to read — or to post anything… regular readers will notice I completely missed April in this series of posts and in fact didn’t even realize that until over a week into May — so it’s…

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It’s (now) a dog’s life

I’ve been remiss in updating my website the last several weeks. It’s largely because this happened on April 20th… After years of discussing getting a pet — we had a betta fish, but let’s face it, fish only barely qualify as pets — and after weeks of looking intently for either a cat or a…

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