Read this book
It’s not often I read a book that makes me drastically rethink things. This was one of them. If you’d rather skip a summary of the book, just jump d...
It’s not often I read a book that makes me drastically rethink things. This was one of them. If you’d rather skip a summary of the book, just jump d...
A needed background primer on me and clutter: I’ve long had a mixed relationship with housecleaning, in that I a) don’t do it remotely often or thor...
I believe this is the first time I’ve doubled down on the work of one particular writer in my Read this book recommendations–I lauded her first book...
I heard Simon Rich interviewed on a podcast recently and they discussed this book, Rich’s most recent. It sounded right up my alley, so I immediately put ...
Good lord, can Becky Chambers write. I mentioned late last year that Martha Wells wholly renewed my sometimes waning interest in science fiction books, and writ...
The Murderbot Diaries came up in a few lists I recently read of recommended books. My curiosity finally piqued enough to put myself in queue to wait for it at t...
As I’ve told people before, I’m not a big believer in capital-s Signs, but there have been times in my life when chalking weirdly timely events up t...
Open Borders is a bold case for opening all borders to immigration, told in a graphic novel-style format. Written by economist Bryan Caplan, it builds upon fact...
I’m subscribed to a newsletter that provides daily (legit) links to free and cheap ebooks for the Kobo. The problem, I found quickly, is that way more oft...
I don’t generally like non-fiction. I’ve just always preferred the worlds that fiction can take me to over (what I’ve read of) what non-fictio...