Bike To School Week thoughts

It’s Bike To School Week at my daughter’s school. They do that a couple of times a year, as our sometimes crazy Toronto weather allows for it. On the one hand, I’m all for it. I’m not an outdoorsy, let alone athletic guy, but goddamn, I love to bike. Jackie and I want to get…

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What I’m listening to

Since we finally made the jump to a music streaming service—I was a steadfast CD purchaser until well after things like Apple Music and Spotify were commonplace—we’ve been (ok, I’ve been) going to town with playlists. I have one for commuting to work; there’s one for our daughter (always chasing down new songs she hears…

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First lawn mowing of the year

I don’t like cutting grass. It’s sweaty work, and while one can see the results of the effort (which I always prefer), I’m acutely aware the entire time that I could be doing something simultaneously more enjoyable and way less sweaty. Reading. Writing. Taking a nap. Anything shy of running or working out… But I…

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Police motorcyles and helmets

Yesterday I saw a motorcycle cop pull over a taxi. I wasn’t sure what had happened, but whatever he’d done garnered the taxi driver a ticket. That event was unusual enough—I’m far more used to seeing police cruisers pulling over cars than motorcycles doing it—but what really struck me was the helmet the officer was…

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Little scams

I’ve encountered a couple of scams in the last two days that really stood out to me. It’s just weird to me that people try to pull stuff like this. First, I was at my local Canadian Tire in the Exchanges and Returns line, and a lady a few people ahead of me was trying…

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On changing focus

It was a several years back that I first met Ricky Lima, an independent comic creator. He was running a seminar on creating your own comics, which offered me a teasing glimpse into how to do so. Teasing because, of course, one can’t learn everything one needs to know about making comics in a couple…

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