RIP Sinead O’Connor

Just heard about Sinead O’Connor’s untimely death.

She stood up for black musicians before they were officially recognized at award ceremonies.

When told by her record label that she shouldn’t leak that she had a baby because it didn’t make for good optics, she looped her child’s onesie through her belt for her next public performance.

Her unprecedented stand against child abuse by the Catholic Church trashed her own career.

She had a lot of mental struggles that were reported on, surely in part simply because they made for clickable headlines. But what deserved more attention then and deserves it now is how often she used her position and (literal) voice to help those who were oppressed and subjugated; those who were never given the chance to be seen or heard or respected.

Sinead put aside her own chance at a lifetime of rarefied wealth and fame to better others instead. There are entirely too few who have done or would do the same in her position.

Let that be her legacy.

And may she rest in peace she couldn’t find in life.