What I read this month

A month of finishing a long-term book and starting a couple of others with very different appeal.

Savage Sword of Conan compendium(!)

Bird Box – Josh Malerman
The Awkward Thoughts of W. Kamau Bell: Tales of a 6’4” African-American, Heterosexual, Cisgender, Left-Leaning, Asthmatic, Black and Proud Blerd, Mama’s Boy, Dad, and Stand -Up Comedian – W. Kamau Bell

So yes, after literal months of pecking away at the Conan compendium — I’ll not count back to exactly how many, because I don’t need that depression right now — I’ve finally finished it.

Bird Box is the book the hit movie was based on. I didn’t see the movie, but the concept piqued my interest: We’re a few years into a worldwide dominance of some kind of other-wordly creatures that will drive insane any humans who see them. The result is a post-apocalyptic feeling setting in which, so far, a mother is attempting to get her two young kids to a nearby boat that will take them to (relative) safety, all while each of them is blindfolded.

And The Awkward Thoughts… is something I recently came across on a list of funny books. It’s written by comedian and social commentator W. Kamau Bell, whose work I’ve seen before and really enjoyed. So far, a quick and amusing read.

Looking forward to finishing both.