It’s been a successful month, both in terms of walking the extra 60 km I committed to walk for part of the fundraiser, as well as moustache growth went:

It’s been an interesting experience. On the one hand, the moustache came in far slower than expected — I need to shave every couple of days to keep looking modestly presentable, yet weeks of moustache growth was proving to be less hairy than I was anticipating — but on the other hand, in my few attempts at Movember a lifetime ago, I don’t recall needing to trim upward to keep the hair from getting too close to my mouth, which would suggest faster growth than previously experienced.
It certainly came in with more white hair than expected. When I let my stubble go wild for too long, I see a mix of every colour in it, from very dark to some salty white, but not with much of the latter. It was kind of the reverse with the moustache. I chalk that up to financial stresses, getting through the worst years of a respiratory pandemic with a family of asthmatics, and living with a tween.
Growing a moustache also opens a whole new world of sensations and experiences to get used to in terms of eating, drinking and blowing one’s nose.
In case you hadn’t seen it yet, check out my post from Week 1 of my walks this Movember. It proved to be the most photogenic week of the month.
If you can spare even a buck or two, please donate here to this great cause. Thanks again to anyone who already has.
I’ll definitely do this again next year. Perhaps study up a bit on what other styles could work on a mug like this. I’d maybe even consider doing a handlebar again. So much time to research, so little time to grow.