You know those occasions when you look at a new block of time — a day off of work, a week away from school, the new month of a new year — and just have a feeling that it’s going to be really productive? You’re gonna get so much done in that time!
You know how it turns out that people are really bad at predicting things?
Well, here we are.
The Kaiju Preservation Society – John Scalzi
The Life and Times of The Thunderbolt Kid – Bill Bryson
I had thought that, as quickly as I had started getting into John Scalzi’s most recent novel, I was going to make short work of it. Very short work, indeed.
Yet with another month that got filled to the brim, it took me until the last day of the month to finally finish it. And thus, to start a new book as well.
I’ve heard a bit about Bill Bryson — I know some of his books went over very well in the opinion of my late grandfather, who I hold in the highest esteem — but I’ve never read a Bryson book myself. This one seemed to be as well reviewed as his others. And while not a particular fan of autobiographies, I had just finished the W. Kamau Bell book (finished in December, a month in which, I realized on January 1st, I hadn’t done a post for What I Read This Month), and enjoyed that one enough that I had figured trying another autobiography, especially one that sounded at least amusing, could work. Hence The Thunderbolt Kid.
Hope it continues to be as good as its opening is.