The trickiness of effective email addresses
I have a weird name. For those outside my family and group of friends who haven’t known me forever, the first one is pronounced “Ray” and the ...
I have a weird name. For those outside my family and group of friends who haven’t known me forever, the first one is pronounced “Ray” and the ...
Everyone has their opinions. And everyone has counterpoints to certain topics of discussion. That is of course a given. But here’s a hot tip: If you’...
I’ve mentioned before that there are various things that will bump me from enjoyment of a book. Sometimes it’s plain bad writing. The advent of self...
Years prior to the pandemic, I had noticed a trend that was slowly but clearly getting worse, and it has ramped up even harder through these Covid years: People...
Hearing my eleven-year-old on a phone call is equal parts cringe-worthy and hilarious. You’ll note I said “call”. Not a Zoom or FaceTime or te...
I recently read this (short!) post advising–with good reason–that people should write shorter stuff but more often. It struck a chord with me. I do,...
There are times I’m struck by unexpectedly gorgeous art, be it a photograph or illustration or painting, as well as other arts, like writing. I’m no...
As a child of the early 1970s, I’m in the unfortunate position of being in a country that was switching to the metric system* in my early youth but with e...
I read an interesting article this week about the growing problem of using the term “guys” when referring to a group that isn’t strictly male ...